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You are cordially invited to my fake wedding.Marrying Beckett Coleman is the best idea I've had in years. I can grant my sick dad?s wish to walk one of his daughters down the aisle, and Beckett has my help solving a custody situation with his daughter. Our plan is to spend a year together, then part ways. Easy, especially since I'm not his type, and he's not mine either.He?s too quiet and too serious. And while he?s distractingly gorgeous, he?s also my brother?s teammate. Beckett is fake husband material, not the real deal. I just have to remember that. Until I move in with him. Get to know him. Share a bed with him. Turns out, the line between fake and real isn't just blurry, it's almost impossible to uphold when he looks at me the way he does. This marriage is a whole lot more complicated than we bargained for. We?re threatening to destroy everything we?ve built, something neither of us can risk. Marrying Beckett might?ve been the best idea in years. But falling in love with him

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