Download PDF Athica Lane (Carpino, #3) Free Download

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Cam Montgomery is a single full-time dad who knows his priorities: his kids, his job, his team, his business. Dealing with his disaster of an ex-wife is bad enough, not to mention delinquent football players and a meddlesome mother. Cam doesn?t have the luxury of time for anything more, especially a relationship. Even if it is Paige Carpino?smart and sweet but at every turn, knocks him on his ass with the unexpected. That?s figuratively speaking of course. Paige might come in a small package, but she makes up for it in spirit. An energetic spit-fire who has some heat to her sauce, she?s dedicated to her new business, her family, and a select group of friends. She?s never put herself out there, but then again, there?s never been anyone worthy of putting herself out there for. Until one day in a burger joint, an asshole practically enters her into a wet t-shirt contest with his drink. Who knew a disaster like that could be the beginning of your life? Or more importantly, that asshole

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