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My fairy tale turned into a cautionary one.Inked in tar and sealed in tears.From Wall Street Journal bestsellers L.J. Shen and Parker S. Huntington comes an explosive marriage of inconvenience...between a tarnished Romeo and a reluctant Juliet.It was supposed to be a harmless kiss at a lavish debutante ball.A clandestine moment with a handsome stranger.But unlike his namesake, my Romeo isn?t driven by love.He?s fueled by revenge.To him, I?m a chess piece. Leverage.His rival?s betrothed.To me, he is a man deserving of poison.A dark prince I refuse to marry.He thinks I?ll accept my fate.Well, I plan to rewrite it.And in my story, Juliet doesn?t die.But Romeo? He perishes.Authors? Note: My Dark Romeo is a standalone reluctant arranged marriageromance between a cruel billionaire heir and a feisty heiress unafraid tofight back. It is set in the decadent Dark Prince Road world.

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