PDF Full Download A Love Catastrophe Free Read

PDF Full Download A Love Catastrophe Free Read

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Kitty Hart has become internet famous as the Kitty Whisperer for her expertise on all things feline, and as a result, her cat-sitting business is booming. But lately, she has a terrible feeling that maybe her life isn?t quite going where it?s supposed to?especially after falling face-first into her newest client. Not exactly the best first impression. Fortunately, Miles Thorn is just as bad at first impressions. Strike one: he doesn?t like cats, especially Prince Francis, the haughty and mischievous Sphynx his mom left in his care. Strike two: tackling Kitty to the floor in a misguided attempt to save the pet he continually calls ?the gremlin.? As awkwardness slides into attraction and things start to turn purr-sonal, will these two complete opposites ever be able to find their furry-tail ending?

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