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PDF/Kindle Download Give Me More (Salacious Players Club, #3) Free Read

Read Or Download Give Me More (Salacious Players Club, #3) by Sara Cate Full Pages.

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I?m a scoundrelPlayboy. Man whore. Basically, I get around, and I?m not afraid to admit it.So when my best friend opens up Salacious Players? Club and asks me to head the construction, how could I say no? Now we?re on a cross-country road trip touring other kink clubs, and I couldn?t be happier. Life is good.Then Hunter suddenly asks me to sleep with his wife?while he watches.I?ll do anything for my best friend, but this is the one request I should say no to. Isabel is the woman of my dreams, but she?s his. And the exact reason I should say no is the one reason I say yes.Because it?s not only Isabel I want. These are the two most important people in my life, and if we go down this path, how will I ever be able to walk away? I?m not sure my best friend understands just how much I?m willing to do for him?and why.

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