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PDF Download Free A Cruel Arrangement (Kings of New York, #2) Read Online Free

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From New York Times bestselling author Tijan comes the intensely passionate story of a man trying to make amends and the woman who makes him want to keep his promises.This was my place. My business. Easter Lanes.Then a guy comes in, trying to rob me, daring to take it away from me.My home. My life.Hell no. I won?t let my livelihood be threatened.No one knows what I?ve done to build this life for myself.Except he might.Ashton Walden, a man I remember from when we were kids.Even back then I could tell how dangerous he would be one day.He?s now the head of the Walden mafia family, and my father is so in debt to them that they practically own him.My dad and I are estranged and I want nothing to do with him or his debt, but the day after the attempted robbery, I don?t wake up in the hospital.I wake up in Ashton Walden?s home. And he drops a bomb on me.If I want my livelihood back, I need to earn it back.And thus begins our cruel arrangement.

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