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Pdf Download One Day With You Free Read

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One day, five lives, but whose hearts will be broken by nightfall?It started like any other day in the picturesque village of Weirbridge.Tress Walker waved her perfect husband Max off to work, with no idea that she was about to go into labour with their first child. And completely unaware that when she tried to track Max down, he wouldn?t be where he was supposed to be.At the same time, Max?s best friend Noah Clark said goodbye to his wife, Mya, blissfully oblivious that he would soon discover the woman he adored had been lying to him for years.And living alongside the two couples, their recently widowed friend, Nancy Jenkins, is getting ready to meet Eddie, her first true love at a school reunion. Will Nancy have the chance to rekindle an old flame, or will she choose to stay by Tress?s side when she needs her most?One Day with You - two fateful goodbyes, two unexpected hellos, and 24 hours that change everything.

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