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PDF/Kindle Download Bring Me Back Read Online Free

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A contemporary romance about hope, mental health, and the healing power of love.After surviving a suicide attempt, Phoenix Bridges has been given a second chance at life?one she isn?t sure what to do with. When she?s released from a psychiatric treatment center, she moves into her family?s old shore house in New Jersey to figure out how to start over. She expects the town to be desolate in the winter months.What she doesn?t anticipate is the gorgeous, brooding cop who lives next door.James Russo blames himself for being unable to save his mother years ago. Now he?s made it his life?s mission to help everyone he can. So when he catches a glimpse of his beautiful new neighbor crying through her bedroom window, he?s determined to be her refuge.Sparks fly as they grow close and share their tragic pasts. But when danger unexpectedly strikes, James is helpless to stop it as Phoenix gets caught in the crossfire.Will Phoenix fight for the life she never wanted, or will James lose the one he

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